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March 29, 2006



Yeah, I know everytime I have sex the top thing on my mind is the future, generous social benefits I'll reap.

I think places like India have the plot a lot better than we Americans do. There's nothing like beggar children buzzing around you like mosquitos to enhance the ambiance of a place, eh?


Hobby, then move to India. We won't miss you.


No offense to libertarians, my favorite bloggers are libertarians. But it's just a dream political party. You gotta vote and be with the one who loves you the most, if you know what I mean. And for you..there is no doubt that place is the Republican party.


I'll be retired soon. I hope. I'll have to start a real libertarian party myself.


You think that will change things? It won't. You will be twisting in the wind. And all you will do is take away votes and power from the Republican party and give Democrats an edge. Look at what happened with Perot. The only thing a Libertarian party does is give back power to the Democrats.


One more thing. Look around the blogosphere. Wanna feel the love? Who loves the military? Who supports you 100%? We do. I've posted so much love for the military people wonder if I was ever in it. I wasn't. But my father was and I grew up knowing what kind of sacrifice it takes to be a part of the greatest fighting force in the world. It's the Republicans who realize who stands at the wall and why we should be so grateful that you are there.

It's like the relative who annoys you. You still love them right? My daddy use to say that the only thing you can really count on is family. The Republicans are your family whether they annoy you or not.


I know where the love is, and fortunately, so do most all of us. As much as I agree that (almost) all politics is local, there are a few Senators and House members who are known well enough to cause problems when they come over here. The ones who routinely support the military are welcomed by soldiers, and the ones who routinely use us for political purposes (like claiming that another 12lbs of armor is all we need to be perfectly safe in a war zone) are merely tolerated.

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