I was watching Ray Suarez on Newshour this morning. He had two guests in the studio, talking about the upcoming elections. I was mildly surprised to find that his guests were well balanced; one thinks President Bush is a moron, the other thinks that President Bush is an evil genius. I recognized one guest, a shorter, pudgy guy with big BCG-type glasses, but didn’t recognize the other. They discussed the upcoming elections and I was quite surprised to find that one of the guests was actually predicting a huge landslide for the Dems. He stated flatly that not a single Dem seat in either chamber was at risk, and that several of the Repub seats were sure wins for the Dems. I guess that could be possible, mid-term elections generally go against a sitting president. But the reasons he gave for making such a statement were perfect examples of the dissonance between what the Dems want to believe about the general public in America, and how the general public generally votes. He was sure that the Republicans had been given a near-fatal blow by the NSA wiretapping scandal, followed by the torture scandal, followed by the Nat’l Intel Estimate scandal. All of the scandals that have been played on the front pages of major metropolitan newspapers. He didn’t mention that these same major newspapers are widely read in heavily Democratic areas that went for Democratic candidates in 2000, 2002, 2004, and will in 2006. He didn’t explain how stories that played very well to the far Left netroots base were changing votes in middle America. Time and again the polls show that a vast majority of Americans, something like 65%, are okay with the idea that the NSA is tapping the phones of terrorists. I haven’t seen any polls on the torture issue yet, but I’m not sure that it’s such a winning position for the Dems. Fighting for terrorists’ rights while we are at war with them, and while terrorists post video after video of them sawing the heads off of their captives, just doesn’t sound like a winning strategy. The latest “scandal”, the NIE, has already lost steam, and was clearly a bit lame even at its zenith. He failed to mention two other “scandals” that were sure to help the Dems this fall, that have come to naught, if not actual embarrassment. The Plame “scandal” turns out to be nothing more than a well-orchestrated effort by a washed-up ambassador to play the Dems like a fiddle in order to pad his ego and retirement. The “scandal” of President Bush ignoring a grieving mother turns out to be nothing more than a media savvy divorcee who likes getting free plane rides around the world, and who played the Dems even better than a the washed up ambassador did (how many times will the photo of Sheehan smooching Chavez be shown between now and Nov? I’m guessing in the thousands).
Although I’d like to see the Dems a bit stronger in Congress, based simply on my belief that this country is best served when at least two political parties are effectively serving the people of the United States, I don’t think this fall is going to see a huge upsurge in seats for the Dems. The talking heads and netroot folks are dreaming when they think that average American’s get excited about the same things that NYTs editors get excited about. Aren’t the netroot folks the same ones that proclaimed all of red-state America morons back in 2004 for not voting for Kerry? Uh yeah, I seem to remember a site dedicated to each and every moonbat apologizing to the rest of the world for the morons that lived between Boston and Berkeley. Now all of a sudden these same folks are going to rise up and put the Dems in power because they are knee-deep in the intricacies of wiretapping laws and Geneva Conventions, and ready to bring President Bush to task for…what? Making the ACLU mad? Pissing off Chavez? Yeah, right.
Sorry, except for the nutroots and BDS suffering talking heads on PBS, it just ain’t there.
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