If you’ve ever wondered just how far off the political spectrum the Krazy Kos Kids will pull the Democratic Party, consider this. The netroots appears to be warming up to the idea of a Gore/Clinton ticket. We can only hope it comes to past. Apparently it’s lost on them that as an immensely popular vice-president under a president who was viewed as God-like (if they were to believe in a God), Gore was still unable to win the Presidency when pitted against a moronic ex-alcoholic frat boy who hid in the National Guard during the Viet Nam War and failed at every business he ever tried. And that was all before Gore became a stalking nanny, burning hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon-based fuels jetting around the world in an effort to spread the word that we should be ashamed of the twenty gallons we put in our gas tank every week to get to work. Al Gore 2006 has become a caricature of Al Gore 2000. For some reason, the Left thinks that he's now even more electable than he was back then. It’s also lost on them that Senator Clinton consistently polls nationwide with a 47% disapproval rating. Sure she does fine in New York, and would do so in Massachusetts, and likely Washington, maybe even California. But that’s it, she would not be able to carry any other state.
Some people tend to extrapolate things they just shouldn’t. If a majority of the folks in your self-help/empowerment/peace drum/anti-globalism group think that a Gore/Clinton ticket is just the thing for a victory in 2008, it doesn’t follow that a majority of folks in America would feel the same way. It doesn’t even matter that a straw poll nationwide of the Associated Self-Help/Empowerment/Peace Drum/Anti-Globalism Groups of AmeriKKKa would put a Gore/Clinton ticket at 98% approval.
I’m sure that the Republicans are hoping just as much as the netroots are that a Gore/Clinton ticket is in the works. I’m just saying that as the netroots raise more money and swing more Democratic candidates to the far left, it will be easier for those on the right to move in towards the center (politics abhors a vacuum more than nature), making them more electable to the general public. The netroots are likely to end up costing many of the more moderate Dems their races.
It was not always apparent to the general public what the Leftists represented as they sat around in their sad groups, memorizing passages from Mao’s Little Red Book, awaiting the rise of the proletariat and the inevitable revolution. But with the help of the many netroot websites, they have come out into the light. A light that won’t shine very favorably on them. A presidential ticket composed of a wooden enviro-evangelist and a politician whose disapproval numbers come close to 50% of the people she has never even met or represented could only come about through the netroot's mistaken belief that most of America is "like them". Say what you will about the fat guys in the smoke-filled rooms making deals out of the view of the public, they were hardly a confederacy of dunces.
I don't disagree with the base of what you say - Gore-Clinton would be an easy matchup. My only problem is - against who? I don't see any heads high above the waterline yet for the Republicans. There's some talk over on Winds of Change about a former general but the only one I'd like to see is Tommy Franks. He seems to have taken to the civilian side of life pretty well. Which probably means he won't run - and I wouldn't blame him. But where do the Repubs find another Dick Cheney?
The platform of the Repubs has more to offer than the dumocrats do. But there's no clear cut admin to go along with it. Yet. Hope someone steps up strong in the next two years.
Posted by: tblubrd | September 29, 2006 at 09:33 AM