The Left has a long history of love affairs with fascism. When you know that you can't ever be in control via open exchange of ideas, the next best thing is to control what ideas people can have. That's why their current love of islamic fascism is hardly surprising. I'm sure there isn't a Lefty out there that doesn't look on with pure green envy at they type of thought control that an islamic imam has over his congregation.
As scary as that thought can be for those of us who love freedom, it's not as scary as what Lefties view as progression. Here, via Tim Blair, comes a look at the future of America under "progressives" after just five years in power.
All political speech approved by the state, with prison sentences of up to "life" for those whose political speech the state doesn't approve. A World Court (whatever that is) empowered to prosecute and imprison US citizens. No VA system to help wounded servicemembers, the only care they recieve from the government coming in the form of political prisoners occasionally emptying their bedpans. A limit of $1000/person/year for health care, and doctors forbidden to practice without the permission of the government for even the most minute of procedures. Laws in place to prohibit some private conversations, and record others for public use. Mandatory failure at the 12th grade for students with learning disabilities. Secret military tribunals convict and sentence Americans who have never been in the service or on a battlefield, while other US citizens are spirited away in private jets to middle eastern countries to be tortured. The federal government has the ability to rescind or rewrite state laws as they see fit, without recourse to citizens of that state. The feds also have the ability to force corporations to hand out free marijuana, then sue them for billions if it turns out to be unsafe. Corporations split up at the whim of the Attorney General of the US, and lands taken from private ownership for government use simply by decree. Every citizen will be forced to own stock in companies controlled and run by the state.
Others have noted that this world of Lefty fantasy is very close to pure communism, or fascism. You know, the fascism that the Left is always fantasizing that Bush is capable of putting in place in America. I guess the problem is not fascism, it's who's doing the shredding of the Constitution. Remember this the next time you hear someone call themselves a "progressive". They want America to "progress" into becoming Russia in the year 1917.
Lefty socialites like Mrs. Lear can claim to be ready to go to the barricades and take to the streets to keep her freedoms, but the bottom line is that there are no Lefties who have any idea of what it takes to keep a nation free. They think that sitting around drinking wine and talking with Gore Vidal is as effective, or perhaps even more effective, as picking up a weapon and defending freedom by force.
Lucky for them that when American conservatives and libertarians defend America's freedoms, they understand that means all Americans, even people like Maccabee, and not just those Americans who agree with them. Yes, Maccabee, you are welcome in my dream world, even though I'm clearly not welcome in your dream world. Lucky for both of us, my dream world exists, right now, it's called America, and yours exists only in the fever swamp of your mind.
What kind of Rev. Haggard pharmaceutical has Diggs been enjoying? This blog is full of bizzare projections but the one that stands out and the one that qualifies Diggs for some serious mental health intervention is this fantasy that "the left" represents the most potent threat of fascism out there. After nearly six years of Bush and the sundry neocon operatives and christianist goons and the reactionary echo chamber who have lusted for power I can't imagine a sane person contending that looming on the left horizon is some red leviathan.
Conservatives have never loved freedom so much as they lusted for power to restrict others freedoms all the while enlarging what loot they've been able to horde for themselves. And libertarians? Libertarians are to serious political discourse what trekkers are to both science and literature. In the immortal words of Kieran Healy, "Ayn Rand. Fourteen year olds of the world unite! The car keys shall be yours by sheer force of will! Objectivism requires it!”
As for defending freedom, well deploying 130,000 Americans in an occupation a Third World country isn't exactly defending American freedom - unless you're talking about the gas tank as Karl Rove mentioned recently. It takes a lot to sustain freedom and making a fetish of military might isn't the most productive path.
Posted by: DeWayne | November 03, 2006 at 04:53 PM
DeWayne, you don't have any comment on the fascist dream posted on Kos that was the centerpiece of the post? Simply ad hominem insults against me and the inevitable Lefty comment about Iraq?
Good debating skills.
By the way, I'm not predicting a Leftist-led fascist takeover of America. The Left doesn't have the power to do that and never will in America. There are about 200 million of us who will see to it that when Leftists take to the barricades to get their "progressive" world fantasy installed by violence, they die by those very same barricades.
I'm commenting on the Left's believe in fascism, something you don't deny so I'm assuming you either agree, or the point of the post went completely over your head. Each of the examples I cite are not my predictions, they are the hopes and dreams coming straight out of that poor lady's imagination. The very fact that you and I can both write whatever we want on this site, and your Lefty friends can even have a site like Daily Kos is proof that your fantasy of a Bush inspired fascist hell for America is so much childish bull. After six years in power, Bush can't even get one single web site pulled from the internet? What kind of fascist power is that? And what kind of sissies are on the Left that they are perpetually scared of him?
It would probably be lost on someone who makes a statement like "Conservatives have never loved freedom so much as they lusted for power to restrict others freedoms all the while enlarging what loot they've been able to horde for themselves." to point out that the very people who wrote the most liberating document in the history of mankind, the document that codified individual freedom and the political bulwark neccesary to protect that freedom, the US Constitution, were conservative in every modern measure of the word. So I won't bother stating such. I would, however, be interested in hearing any example you may have to tell of your individual rights being trampled by the Bush administration. I'll be the first to demand that it stop.
Posted by: Diggs | November 04, 2006 at 06:12 AM