A false flag operation results in thousands of dollars in damage to a Democratic Party office in Denver. Because the vandal is a Leftard, he gets caught a few minutes later. That doesn't stop the State Democratic Party Chairwoman, Pat Waak, from accusing conservatives for the vandalism.
Apparently she was unaware that the person she hired to break the windows was too stupid to check for cops before he broke them and had already been caught.
This type of Leftard violence is common at recruiting stations. It's hardly surprising that they would now use it against their own storefronts in order to get national attention.
I guess Socialists just don't make Reichstag Fires like they used to...
Posted by: Chris | August 25, 2009 at 09:08 PM
They can't even vandalize their own store front, they want to vandalize our healthcare.
Posted by: ic | August 25, 2009 at 09:51 PM
Props to the Denver Post for actually doing some reporting. Many other news outlets would have just gone with the easy narrative: "Health care haters break Democratic office windows" but instead the Post did some research and makes it pretty clear what really happened. And they featured it prominently instead of in one tiny paragraph at the end after giving the Democratic side entire paragraphs, which is a much more common M.O. Ms. Waak doesn't look too bright after that.
Posted by: kcom | August 26, 2009 at 08:51 AM